Phoenix Contact not only has its own industrial tool shop, which manufactures many components for its own production lines. The world market leader from Blomberg is also well positioned when it comes to hand tools. And this is thanks to a Swedish subsidiary that has now received an award.
In January, Pressmaster AB was named Export Company of the Year 2023 for the Region Dalarna. The region has been known for its mines for centuries. Copper, iron and rocks such as porphyry have been extracted here since gray prehistoric times. It’s no wonder that the metalworking industry also enjoys a special status. The people of Dalarna are proud of their reputation as manufacturers of hand tools. Pressmaster AB is a company that was founded in Stockholm in 1970. The first modern crimping tool with a ratchet mechanism was developed in 1973 and the self-adjusting stripping tool in 1975. But Pressmaster has been manufacturing in Älvdalen in Dalarna since 1976. Pressmaster AB has been part of Phoenix Contact since 2012.
Over 90% of the products are exported. The customized tools, especially innovative and high-quality crimping tools or cutting and stripping tools, are mainly exported to the USA, Europe and Japan.

Dalarna Business is an association of companies in the central Swedish region that works to promote local businesses. Once a year, the association awards a prize for special achievements. And in 2023, Pressmaster AB won the award.
“We are firmly rooted in Älvdalen and have generations of expertise that give our products high quality,” emphasizes Pressmaster CEO Johan Hansson. “It fills me with great pride to receive this award. Proud of the fantastic efforts of all our employees over many years of work to create the position we have in the market today.”